Jack Creek

The Jack Creek Station measures average wind speed, gust speed, and wind direction.

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Date Time Temp deg F Avg Wind mph Max Wind mph Wind Dir deg
03/12 04:00 24.5 10 26 S - 164
03/12 03:00 24.5 9 29 S - 199
03/12 02:00 24.8 9 32 SE - 125
03/12 01:00 25.4 10 29 SW - 208
03/12 00:00 25.7 10 32 S - 194
03/11 23:00 25.3 14 36 W - 271
03/11 22:00 23.9 18 37 SW - 218
03/11 21:00 23.7 10 32 SW - 230
03/11 20:00 23.8 11 30 NW - 293
03/11 19:00 24.0 13 30 SW - 244
03/11 18:00 25.1 12 36 SW - 234
03/11 17:00 25.4 14 36 S - 180
03/11 16:00 26.1 10 34 S - 191
03/11 15:00 27.0 8 30 W - 253
03/11 14:00 26.2 8 24 E - 89
03/11 13:00 24.8 11 32 SW - 222
03/11 12:00 24.1 10 29 S - 161
03/11 11:00 23.5 7 29 W - 260
03/11 10:00 22.4 9 32 N - 5
03/11 09:00 21.6 13 33 NW - 306
03/11 08:00 21.3 11 33 S - 171
03/11 07:00 21.3 9 30 W - 280
03/11 06:00 21.3 9 34 S - 193
03/11 05:00 20.9 10 37 W - 272
03/11 04:00 20.9 8 29 NE - 63
03/11 03:00 21.6 10 32 NW - 327
03/11 02:00 21.9 7 27 SW - 239
03/11 01:00 22.1 6 22 NW - 321
03/11 00:00 22.1 6 21 NW - 295